Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cutler's First Soccer Game/ Labor day...

This was Cutler's first soccer game. He did a really good job playing soccer. He got a goal & was so excited that he did a little victory dance. Dan is the coach & this team is a really good little team. They were all chasing the ball. This is going to be a really fun team. They ended up winning the game..

For our Labor Day weekend Ashish, Hannah & Caden came to visit. We went over to G-ma Hansen's house & hung out & had dinner. Hannah taught Tayden how to make a tutu. So she made herself a tutu. She did a really good job. We put the tutu on Ryker & Caden. Which boy do you think had fun wearing the tutu? We all were giving each other a hug & Hannah took this picture. I thought it was cute. Thanks Hannah!


Lesley said...

So cute! I want to know how to make a tutu! Seriously. She will have to share her skills!

Tiff said...

So cute I love the tutu's - glad you updated finally! j/k I really have been meaning to call you back life is just crazy! I am interested in that ae job so see what you can find out! I love Cutler in his soccer game he is so cute! K have a fun week love ya Jam!

Shanna said...

Oh soccer, I hope I survive soccer!! I have four kids in soccer and boy was it hot yesterday. It really is fun if you can get past the heat! How old is Cutler? I wonder if he will play against Carter?

John and Amy Ottesen said...

Oh how we love to play soccer!!! It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!! We loved the tutus. Very cute!!!

Chet and Stephanie said...

Tag, youre it, read my blog!

Jarrod said...

Cute tutu's...if only I had a little girl. I do have a baby shower soon for a girl, so I may need to call if you remember how to make them. Anyway, I'm bummed Dill couldn't play soccer our schedule is way too hectic to throw something else in, hopefully next year everyone will want to do it again. Did you get a job at ae yet? We need to chat, I'll give you a call soon.

Shanna said...

Carter just turned six so they are probably in a different age bracket. Too Bad!!

Rae said...

how are you guys? I have a blog if you want to see it it is

Rae said...

sorry i mean

april hickman said...

It's sad I don't ever run in to you any more. Thank goodness for blogging. You family is adorable.

Plain Jame said...

Jami you're always invited to my family reunions. Its flattering that you would actually want to come to MY crazy family stuff. KIDDING.
Good times.

Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

I know i know, seriously, the first floor set you do and I'm not there. I was the one working the SIX A.M. shifts!!!! So fun. haha. What did you think? Did you have fun?

Sparks in the Desert said...

How fun is that! Don't you love soccer season? We totally missed you at bunco, but hopefully we will see you this month! We so have to do lunch before this baby 20 more days!

Alisa Ottesen said...

I love watching the little kids play soccer and t-ball. It is so much more fun than watching professional sports.

Rae said...

Hey Tayden,
I am sooo glad you are in my class! Thanks for the comments. You are soo nice! I am soo glad you are my friend. We need to play with each other sometime and Brady and Cutler could plat together. Thanks!!!

T.K. said...

How cute is that family picture, you guys are darling!!

Chet and Stephanie said...

By the way Jami, my mom loves having Tayden helps! She adores her!