Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We went over to Jen's(sister) house for breakfast. She made this gingerbread house & Ryker wanted to eat it so bad. He did break some pieces of it but Dan & I hurried to fix it, so Jen wouldn't see. The breakfast was really good. Thanks, Jen for feeding us.

These are the greatest & the best gifts we get every year. The ones the kids make for their parents. Tayden told me she has worked so hard on making these gifts for us.. We loved them.

Santa came to our house. Dan & I can't understand why are kids sleep in every year. They don't come in our room & wake us up. We hear them sneaking around & then they go back to bed. We usually go & wake them up. Santa brought the kids what they wanted. Cutler got his bike that is to big for him. He wanted it, so we laugh how he can't get on the bike w/out standing on something. Tayden got her camera & her alarm clock. So now I don't have to wake her. Ryker got his bean bag so he can have one just like brother & sister. Ryker likes to watch T.V. so he got a horse that goes to the T.V. everytime he bounces on it, it says a word. He knews to learn to talk, he gets mad if you don't understand him..

Christmas Eve

Tayden will always make sure to leave some cookies & milk out for Santa. This year she left out a gift for Santa. It was a Hershey Hug so when Santa opens it he will know that Tayden is giving him a hug, saying Thank you.

We went over to my parents house for Christmas Eve. My parents have a tradition where they have the kids take out some oats & glitter & sprinkle all over the grass. The oats that the reindeer can smell & the glitter to see what house they are to go too. They get so excited they like to see out the window to see if they can spot Santa. Santa drops them off some Christmas pajamas w/ their names on the presents & a balloon attached to the presents. So every year they get some pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. Thanks, Dad & Mom for that fun tradition, the kids love...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas at G-ma Hansen's...

We went over to G-ma Hansen's for dinner & to spend our Christmas w/ her. We are spending Christmas this year w/ my family. So we wanted to spend sometime w/ Dan's mom (Jeanne)& his brother(Eric's) family... The kids had a fun evening playing w/ their cousin Lucy. It was a fun evening getting together....

The kids got to open some Christmas presents from their G-ma. They got some games & their favorite toys. They were all so excited playing w/ their toys. We even enjoyed playing w/ the kids gifts.

Dan showing Cutler how to put together Star Wars legos,which his cousin Lucy gave to him. He loves to keep trying to put it back together everytime it comes apart. He just loves Star Wars things right now. Thank you, Lucy..

G-ma w/ the kids trying to see if she can beat them at the game. It was hard trying to play twister. You just keep getting somebody's butt in your face...Not in this picture but I did get Dan's butt in my face...

Cutler got a twister game from his G-ma Hansen & we all decided to play it. We had so much fun playing it. I haven't played it since I was a kid. The picture above I had to show it cause it just doesn't look right. Dan & his brother Eric decided to play twister. It was just fun us grown-ups trying to play this game. Thank you, mom & G-ma Hansen for the dinner & great gifts you gave to us. We Love you....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day...

The kids made this snowman today. They did a really good job. I just helped them a little. I think I had more fun building this snowman then they did. We picked a few yellow spots out of the snow & few brown spots to make this snowman look good. We love Ziggy, he is such a good dog. He makes playing in the snow fun..

We finally got some snow here in St. George. I was so excited cause the kids would have so much fun playing in the snow the next day. Dan took this picture at night. So the kids hadn't seen the snow yet.. They cancelled school today, so they will have a lot fun in the snow..

We went to a Christmas program to see Cutler sing w/ all the kindergarten kids at the school. There were alot of people. We couldn't really see Cutler but we know he did a really great job singing. All the kids were so cute. If you look closely you can see Cutler in here somewhere. Where's Cutler?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa & Kids..

Ryker is such a werid kid. I have such a hard time understanding this kid. I was picking things up around the house. He comes up to me & says cheese. I haven't heard him say that yet. So I run to grab the camera & he just kept saying over & over cheese. He wanted to show his dad what he did w/ his pajamas cause he thought it as so funny. He would start walking around like a frankenstein. Dan & I keep saying what side of the family he came from. He is a handful, so he has my brother Josh in him or he has alot of Dan's brother Eric. So we think he has got both brothers him. I am soooo excited, when he gets bigger.

We went to a Christmas party at the College. The kids were so excited to see Santa. Cutler had to tell Santa what he wanted in detail. Tayden didn't really say much to Santa. I did hear she wanted a alarm clock cause she didn't want her mom to have to wake her up anymore. Ryker was so excited to see Santa but once he sat down on his lap, he freaked. Santa was so cute w/ the kids, we love seeing him every year at bookstore party. The kids love the activities(coloring & making things) they do for them there.