Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Halloween Costumes..

Last year the kids dressed up as "The Chronicles Of Narnia" . It was fun having them wear these costumes. I don't know why Dan & I didn't dress up to go along w/ our kids.
Tayden wanted to dress up as Tinkerbell, so Cutler was Peter Pan. I tried finding a Wendy costume but didn't have any luck. Dan was going to be Captain Hook. He didn't want to dress up if I wasn't going to be dressed up. We dressed up also as "The Little Mermaid" the year before. I just can't find any pictures. Tayden was Ariel & Cutler dressed up as Sebastian.. I couldn't find a Sebastian costume, so I had my mom make it for Cutler. She did such a good job. I dressed up as Ursula & Dan dressed up as prince Eric. We had fun dressing up that year.
Tayden wanted to dress up as Snow White. So we dressed Cutler up as Dopey. I was the ugly wicked queen & Dan was the Prince, again. I think Dan enjoys dressing up as the Prince cause he doesn't have to dress up much. We look like such geeks this year. We dressed up as Tourists. I don't know where we came up w/ this costume. My dad did want to borrow it for the next year. I guess it was a good costume. Tayden was just a cute little witch. She could make a face that looked like that mean doll "Chucky". Now Ryker can pull the same face as Chucky. It is scary....What is up w/ that hair. I am talking about the hair creeping up out of Dan's shirt. We love Halloween. We always have so much fun dressing up. This year I'm trying to find Dan & I a costume so we can be part of what are kids are dressed up as. So I want to see who can guess what are family is dressing up as.. I have so much fun putting together what the kids want to be for Halloween.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In Memory of G-pa Orton

Our G-pa( Jay Orton) passed away on Thursday. He is such a sweet G-pa & Great. He will be missed so much. We will miss what a loving person he was to everyone. We will miss him always being the entertainment to everyone that was around him. I always loved watching him entertain his Great-Grandchildren & how excited they would get watching him. He would always whistle. He would always find something to fix that was broken for you. He never liked to sit around, he liked to always stay busy. He was the best bike rider. He loved riding his bike. He was known as always taking his grandchildren & great- children on a bike ride. He was always a helpful person to G-ma. They were always helping each other. They both loved each other so much. He was always such a strong G-pa. He had a stroke & his body wasn't able to handle it anymore. He is in a better place, now. He can go back to having all his strength back in his body. We will miss him sooooo much. Thanks, for being such a perfect G-pa to all of us. We Love You so much.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pine Valley

We went up to Pine Valley to stay in some cabins. They were cute little cabins. When you get your kids in them & your stuff. You fill a little stuffy in them. The kids loved them. Tayden fell off the bunk bed in the middle of the night & she had no idea what happened. We went to the cabin w/ my brother Jeremy & Brittany & her 2 little kids. Ryker wouldn't leave Macy alone. He kept thinking she was a baby. She is almost a year old. He just kept teasing her & she seemed to love it.

Tayden & Cutler played w/ Kameron (Jeremy's girlfriend's little girl). They had alot of fun the kids did playing around the cabin. It was cold up in Pine Valley at night. It rained alot but it was perfect weather in the day.

Lucy & Cutler just waiting to get some fish. It took awhile in the beginning but once the fish came they kept coming.

We went to Pine Valley Reservoir to go fishing. Eric, Shanel, & Lucy came up to go fishing w/ us. When we got there it didn't take long for Ryker to walk right into the lake. I took all his clothes off & put another outfit on him. He kept falling in the mud, so I took his clothes off & took him for a drive. I had to get this kid asleep. He had no clean clothes. We just can't take this kid w/ us, if we ever want to go fishing. He just wanted to play in the lake. Cutler caught some fish & Tayden did also. They were having so much fun. Dan didn't really get to go fishing cause he was to busy putting cheese on the poles. The fish just kept coming to fast. Jeremy & Brittany came & went fishing for a little while. I just stayed too busy w/ Ryker so the day just drove me nuts. While I was taking the pictures Ryker was eating dirt or bugs or playing in the mud..