Saturday, October 11, 2008

In Memory of G-pa Orton

Our G-pa( Jay Orton) passed away on Thursday. He is such a sweet G-pa & Great. He will be missed so much. We will miss what a loving person he was to everyone. We will miss him always being the entertainment to everyone that was around him. I always loved watching him entertain his Great-Grandchildren & how excited they would get watching him. He would always whistle. He would always find something to fix that was broken for you. He never liked to sit around, he liked to always stay busy. He was the best bike rider. He loved riding his bike. He was known as always taking his grandchildren & great- children on a bike ride. He was always a helpful person to G-ma. They were always helping each other. They both loved each other so much. He was always such a strong G-pa. He had a stroke & his body wasn't able to handle it anymore. He is in a better place, now. He can go back to having all his strength back in his body. We will miss him sooooo much. Thanks, for being such a perfect G-pa to all of us. We Love You so much.


Cardwell said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! Your grandpa was such a cute man. You wrote a beautiful tribute to him. I hope that you are doing okay. It's times like this that we can be especially grateful to know that we will be together with our loved ones again. Please let me know if I can do anything. Love you!!

Cardwell said...

Oh shoot! You guys need a cell phone! :) I'm sad we missed you. I hope everything went well with your grandpa's funeral. We love you!

Drake Family said...

What a sweet post for your grandpa and cute pictures. It is never easy to lose a loved one, but it is comforting to know that we will see them again someday.

Alisa Ottesen said...

I love the pictures. I'm making a DVD for Jay of Grandpa, so I'll have to copy some of these pix. It was great to see you and your adorable family at the funeral.

Sparks in the Desert said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa passing away. Those are such beautiful pictures of him!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your Grandpa. He looks like he was a great grandpa always being with the kids!

So, I read on my blog that you saw Todd at the funeral. I didn't even know he was in the U.S. He has been in the Philippines for the last 3 months. And yeah, he is friends with Brock and did you know he dated your cousin Sharise for about a year a couple years ago?!!! Crazy Huh!

Wayne & Kate said...

Jam- I'm so sorry to hear that about your Grandpa! I remember you talking about him and your also adorable Grandma. He is in a lovelier place.

Tiff said...

I have been meaning to tell you I am so sorry about your g-pa he was the sweetest man ever sometimes I felt like he was my g-pa too! I really loved him and I am so sorry Hope you and your family are doing good!

Shanna said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. It's not a fun time, I went through it a few months ago and I know it isn't easy. Isn't it great to have such wonderful memories and for your kids too?

april hickman said...

What a sweet post. I love all of the pictures.