G-ma Hansen wanted to go & hang out w/ us. She wanted us to meet her at the library to get some books. Every summer I take the kids to the library so they can check out some books. I haven't done that at all this summer. I'm so glad Jeanne reminded me about the library. Tayden & Cutler were so excited to go & get some books. After, G-ma took us to lunch at Judd's Store. The kids love the breadsticks & the candy. I guess that wasn't enough for them to eat that G-ma bought them some ice cream, too. They were loving it..
We went to the water park on Main St. The kids love going there & playing in the water. Ryker wanted to explore & stay away from us. He kept sitting w/ other kids & playing. We hung in the sun all day. It was such a hot day I was hoping the kids would get tired. I don't think kids can get tired. I do love watching how much fun they can have playing in the water. Thank You, Jeanne(G-ma) we had alot of fun hanging out w/ you.