Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day...

The kids made this snowman today. They did a really good job. I just helped them a little. I think I had more fun building this snowman then they did. We picked a few yellow spots out of the snow & few brown spots to make this snowman look good. We love Ziggy, he is such a good dog. He makes playing in the snow fun..

We finally got some snow here in St. George. I was so excited cause the kids would have so much fun playing in the snow the next day. Dan took this picture at night. So the kids hadn't seen the snow yet.. They cancelled school today, so they will have a lot fun in the snow..

We went to a Christmas program to see Cutler sing w/ all the kindergarten kids at the school. There were alot of people. We couldn't really see Cutler but we know he did a really great job singing. All the kids were so cute. If you look closely you can see Cutler in here somewhere. Where's Cutler?


Chet and Stephanie said...

I think that is the best actual snowman I have ever seen!

Lesley said...

Loved the snow even though we have to make up the school day!

Sparks in the Desert said...

Darling snow pictures, and WAY CUTE snowman!

Anonymous said...

That is a very cute snowman!! You should move up here! You will have lots of snow every year!